There are probably many reasons you’re not earning profits, but I bet I know a key reason that might be keeping you down.
Many people say this letter certainly opened their eyes.
Does watching the same group of markers raking in wagon-fulls of cash make you want to give-up and throw your computer out the window? Frustrating, isn’t it? But don’t give up yet!
I want to share a few things that may blow your mind with excitement, however many things could make blood squirt from your eye balls.
It seems millions of people all over the world have a desire to earn a living by simply clicking a few buttons on their computer. As PT Barnum once said, “There’s a sucker born every minute” and thus an uninformed public is susceptible to deceit and trickery. In other words… buyer beware.
I’m the true definition of a “renegade”. I broke out from the “cult” of Guru groupies and I’m telling you how it really is. It’s about time you knew. “The Ugly Truth”
There is one particular fact that is painfully TRUE……You’ve been conned, scammed and screwed by nearly all the Internet Marketing coaching Gurus on the planet (or I call most of them HOGS!).
Let me ask you a question. Have any of these fancy rich HOGS made you wealthy yet? I hope so, but I sincerely doubt it!
Listen up! I research lots of marketing online forums and I travel all over the country. I meet hundreds of people at Internet Marketing seminars. The point is this; I have yet to meet a single person who has created any great wealth by ordering just “one” course or by using most of the Guru’s products or by attending an Internet Marketing seminar.
Oh sure, some people may say, “He’s great, I got “some” content from him.” Others might say, “He’s so funny, he can really tell a good joke.” But that’s about it. I’ve never met anyone who said a particular Guru or any pack of Gurus made him rich really quick!
Yes, I call it like I see it because I want you to know I’m real, just like you.
And I must warn you – this stuff is going to upset a lot of people. It’s going to make others downright angry…But the only thing that’s for sure is that what I’m about to reveal will change the Internet Marketing community FOREVER.
If you could spy on the Gurus and discover their secret marketing tricks that would help you and your friends excel faster and easier – would you do it? Well, that’s exactly how this whole thing started and I haven’t stopped. I don’t really see any end to all the “real” secrets I will be collecting for myself and my friends. My spy-work really works for all the right reasons.
If you want to get to the end of the Internet Marketing maze and find that treasure chest? You’ll need an experienced guide who knows how to get YOU there.
This is all YOU need to make money online: It’s simple, right?
*Get a domain and a host.
*Choose a product.
*Drive traffic to your link or website.
*Collect the money.
If it’s this easy, then why do you suppose thousands upon thousands of people combined spend MILLIONS OF DOLLARS on Internet Marketing e-books, courses and seminars but almost never earn a penny?
Second, would you agree the more you know about your business or industry – the more money you will earn? This is common sense and I’m thinking you will agree the answer is an astounding YES. This letter is meant to open your eyes.
According To A Recent Business Survey – A Whopping 91% of Marketers Who Tried To Earn Money Online Last Year DID NOT Earn A Penny! Why?
Here’s Some Popular Reasons:
#1 Procrastination
#2 Lack of Online Marketing Knowledge or simple tech knowledge.
#3 Became confused with overload of Internet Marketing information.
#4 Received Wrong or Out-Dated Marketing Info.
#5 Never learned exactly what to do to earn a profit.
#6 Lack support/consistent up-dated knowledge from trusted marketing friends.
#7 Quit and went broke due to high cost of IM educational products.
There are many reasons for not succeeding. Obviously you want more freedom and you want to live an honest life you enjoy, right? If you’re like me, you want to have fun while you’re making money too, right? You want to feel good about your business. I want you to discover true broke-busting strategies. You can go from zero to hero when you learn the right stuff. My private inner circle of friends get real-life strategies that work.
I bet you’re also sick and tired of all the Bull Crap and big money hype you read and hear from some of those Internet Marketing Gurus. Frustration can cause fear and fear causes lack of hope.
Beware: Most people are conned by the very same people they trust and “like”.Don’t be fooled anymore! They apparently want you to think the Internet is highly complicated because it evidently justifies their high priced e-books, outrageously high priced courses, e-books and outrageously high priced seminars!
Step-by-step process the Gurus teach over and over and over.
1. Find a product or service to sell. Either promote other products or create your own.
2. Get a domain – Build a 4-5 page website or hire someone to do it. Link merchant account.
3. Create ‘good’ copy and all the converting elements to the website. Turn visitors to buyers.
4. Get a host. Advertise or promote your website to potential buyers.
5. Track your promotions. Collect your money and deposit it into your bank account.
Now, this doesn’t sound very difficult does it? Well, it really is this simple. All the expensive Internet Marketing e-books, courses and seminars mostly provide information concerning one or more topics surrounding the above components in some form or another.
10 Key Ingredients Successful People Have In Common:
1. Associate with those who believe in you and your ideas.
2. Find the right mentor(s).
3. Associate with those who know more than you in your field of interest.
4. Stay consistent and persistent until your goals are achieved.
5. Refrain from over-indulging in mind altering chemicals.
6. Find a daily exercise you enjoy doing.
7. Take care of your health by eating right and take daily nutrients.
8. Laugh every day. Count at least 5 daily blessings at the end of each day.
9. Read and learn something new about your business every day.
10. Read or listen to something inspirational or motivational every day.
What type of power-group do beginners or frustrated struggling Internet Marketers use?
Bad News! Most struggling Internet Marketers DO NOT have a power group. Some marketers join little marketing clubs; they take a chance and purchase e-books and they visit marketing forums, etc. Bottom line is this: Most marketers stumble around and do the best they can.
Fact: You will succeed faster and easier when you associate with those with like-minds whom share the same ideals and mindset.
The BIG Myth! “Internet Marketing is Easy and You can Master it ALL in ONE day!”
First of all that’s a BIG lie! Good news – it’s not as tough as you might think.
I have no way of knowing your level of Internet Marketing experience. So, I try not to use advanced marketing terms. I try to keep it simple. Internet Marketing is a completely different “flavor” than real world marketing.
When “Joe” establishes his hardware store in the strip mall near your house, then he usually utilizes a different set of marketing and advertising principles. An online business succeeds by utilizing Internet Marketing tactics and strategies. With that said; Some online businesses can still use real world marketing in order to attract prospects and some real world businesses are also utilizing the internet to attract local prospects.
“Joe” can also utilize Internet Marketing to promote his neighborhood hardware store if he knew a few of the secrets.
There are many aspects of Internet Marketing. There are a variety of methods that can be utilized to help direct prospects to a website. You will not become proficient at using any of them overnight. Don’t let anyone fool you.
Let’s say it takes 10 “focused” hours to get proficient at any one method. If there are 12 methods, then it may require 120 focused hours of practice. Most Internet Marketing is usually done every day or at least a few times per week. Either you must perform most of the traffic methods yourself or hire it done once you can afford it. It sounds harder than what it is… don’t worry about it. It will all become crystal clear very soon.
Good News: In my opinion, you may not get rich over- night, but the INTERNET is still the best way to earn profits and the best way to become financially independent. If you’re going to spend time learning Internet Marketing, then it’s imperative you learn the correct updated methods as to not waste your time and money.
The faster you learn the strategies the faster you earn a decent income. Thousands of people are floundering for many reasons with their home-based Internet businesses – one big reason is they simply don’t know what to do or how to do it and many times they use bad advice. My private inner circle receives the best sources.
Are You Allowing The Gurus To Steal Money From You….Want to beat the gurus at their own game?
As an affiliate marketer, you may or may not realize that while you are earning commissions from selling certain products, the gurus who’s product you promote are also earning profits. You are sending traffic to their websites, right? What you probably are not aware is this; You’re actually assisting the gurus’ build their prospect list and their buyers list!
You are actually finding prime prospects and customers and handing them over, and the gurus are selling to them again and again (sale after sale), long after you’re forgotten and moved on. If you know how, you can earn commissions plus help build your own business at the same time. Stop allowing the HOGS to steal money from you.
But what if YOU could turn the tables and keep all those repeat sales yourself?
There is a new secret technique I have never seen used before that does exactly that for you…it’s brilliant and NO affiliate marketer should be without it. My private inner circle knows this secret. I want you to know it too.
Listen up. The FIX is in! A Guru secret you didn’t know existed.
Naturally, most of the big product launch Gurus are in total communication with each other and usually schedule their product launches on dates that won’t overlap their buddy’s product launch. Some of these guys are part of a private “buddy” club that dominates a large part of the Internet Marketing community.
They are very careful about scheduling product launches as NOT to step on each other’s toes. Then in between their product launches they promote other company products for big commissions.
It’s beneficial because they can promote their product plus promote each other’s product using their own list; thus suck even more money from the flock. Make sense? They systematically suck as much cash from the FLOCK as humanly possible and on a consistent basis. Are you mad yet?
All of these marketing campaigns are not random events – it’s all carefully planned and choreographed as much as possible.
Flock = desperate “unsuspecting” Internet Marketing Dreamers.
If you’ve not been living in a cave, then you’ve obviously noticed what the “Gurus” and their followers are calling such events; PRODUCT LAUNCHES, right? This method the Gurus (Hogs) use is really not a new trick – it’s been around for years in other aspects of business.
This is how it works. An alliance of several “Gurus” are formed – all with massive lists. These massive lists will hold millions of serious buyers of Internet Marketing products. In certain circles this would be called an industry MONOPOLY – and it could be deemed as unfair, unethical and possibly illegal.