Partial Hospitalization Programs (PHP) for teens offer intensive treatment for young people struggling with mental health issues. Understanding what these programs entail can help parents and guardians make informed decisions.

What is a PHP?

A Partial Hospitalization Program (PHP) is a structured mental health treatment program that allows adolescents to receive intensive therapy during the day while returning home in the evening. This setup provides a balance between inpatient care and outpatient therapy, offering comprehensive support without full-time hospitalization.

Key Features of PHP Adolescent Programs

  • Structured Schedule: Daily therapy sessions, group activities, and educational support.
  • Comprehensive Care: Addressing mental health, behavioral issues, and educational needs.
  • Family Involvement: Including family therapy to strengthen the support system.
  • Qualified Staff: Experienced therapists and medical professionals specialized in adolescent care.

Benefits of PHP for Teens

PHP programs provide a safe and supportive environment where adolescents can focus on their recovery while maintaining connections with their family and community. These programs help young people develop coping strategies, improve their mental health, and return to their daily lives with better tools for managing their conditions.

The Berman Center offers specialized PHP programs designed to meet the unique needs of adolescents.