• The day begins early with a quick breakfast and a scan through emails and messages. It’s important to stay on top of all communications as clients often send inquiries or updates overnight.

7:30 AM – Morning Meeting

  • A morning meeting with the team at the real estate office in Västerås. The agenda includes updates on ongoing deals, new listings, and market trends. Collaboration is key to ensure all team members are informed and prepared for the day.

9:00 AM – Property Inspections

  • The Mäklare Västerås (real estate agent) heads out for property inspections. This includes checking on the condition of properties, ensuring they are ready for viewing, and making any necessary arrangements for maintenance or staging.

11:00 AM – Client Consultations

  • Meetings with clients, both buyers, and sellers, to discuss their needs and preferences. For sellers, this might involve setting the right price for the property and discussing marketing strategies. For buyers, it’s about understanding their requirements and showing them potential properties.

1:00 PM – Lunch Break

  • A quick lunch break, often used to catch up on industry news or further communication with clients. Networking with other real estate professionals over lunch can also be beneficial.

2:00 PM – Property Viewings

  • Conducting property viewings with prospective buyers. This is a crucial part of the day where the mäklare’s knowledge of the property and sales skills are put to the test. Each viewing is tailored to highlight the property’s best features and address any questions the buyers may have.

5:00 PM – Administration and Follow-ups

  • Back to the office for paperwork, updating listings, and following up on earlier viewings. This includes preparing contracts, negotiating deals, and ensuring all legal requirements are met. Keeping meticulous records is vital.

7:00 PM – Evening Viewings or Open Houses

  • Sometimes, clients are only available in the evenings. This means the mäklare might host open houses or schedule viewings after regular office hours. Flexibility is a must in this profession.

9:00 PM – End of the Day

  • The day wraps up with a final check of emails and messages, planning for the next day, and noting any important tasks or appointments. The life of a mäklare is busy and demanding, but also rewarding, with the satisfaction of helping clients find their perfect homes or successfully sell their properties.


  • The life of a mäklare in Västerås is a dynamic mix of client interactions, property viewings, and administrative work. It requires excellent organizational skills, a deep understanding of the local real estate market, and the ability to build strong relationships with clients. Each day brings new challenges and opportunities in the ever-changing world of real estate.
